The state of Texas is well known for its choral music programs at the high school level in many districts, with major UIL competitions being at the forefront of Texas music educators’ calendars.  However, not all districts can afford to provide opportunities outside of the classroom for professional development and artistic experiences.  Houston Chamber Choir will play a major role in supporting area music educators and their students with the roll-out of the Youth Ambassador Program and facilitate beneficial opportunities for all parties.  As one of the premier professional choirs in the United States, Houston Chamber Choir values the opportunity to connect with educators and students with the understanding that outreach can have lifelong impacts. 

The Youth Ambassador Program started as a pilot program in September of 2018, and has since evolved into a multifaceted program that benefits students and their music educators.  We are proud to present multiple opportunities during the school year that will further our mission of increasing the awareness, appreciation, and esteem of choral music and musicians through performance, outreach, and education.

Choir Directors will be invited to bring their students to two different ticketed Houston Chamber Choir concerts during the season.

  • Up to 150 students and chaperones will be served at each concert.  Students will participate in a pre-concert lecture with composers, singers, and artistic leadership, enjoy the call-time private rehearsal prior to doors opening to the public, and be served dinner in a gathering space that will allow students and directors to meet peers from other local schools.  Each evening will be fully subsidized by the Houston Chamber Choir and will provide networking and professional development opportunities critical to ensuring Houston Chamber Choir’s mission of promoting the appreciation and esteem of choral music.

Houston Chamber Choir offers ongoing opportunities for all area high school choral students to enroll in the Youth Ambassadors Subscription package. 

  • The Youth Ambassador Program subscription package gives students access to ticketed concerts, dinner, and pre-concert lectures and rehearsals for $10 per concert.  Area music educators are invited to nominate deserving students for this program, at no cost to the selected students. Additionally, participating students can apply to volunteer with the Houston Chamber Choir as student leaders and secure National Honor Society volunteer hours. 

Houston Chamber Choir will now offer high school choral students and educators in the US and beyond access to select concerts available virtually on our Digital Stage platform.

  • This helps ensure our organization is effectively serving our hometown Houston community while simultaneously engaging in choral music education/outreach at the national and international level.  

  • Starting in the 2021-22 season, Youth Ambassador Program digital subscriptions will also be available to interested middle school students.

Have Questions? Need Answers?

For information regarding Youth Ambassadors, please contact: 

April Harris, General Manager
