two streams

daniel knaggs

Cappella Records is proud to present the world première recording of DANIEL KNAGGS’ TWO STREAMS, performed by the GRAMMY® Award-winning Houston Chamber Choir led by Robert Simpson, with string ensemble Kinetic and world-class soloists.

With musical threads dyed in Medieval, baroque, and contemporary colors, Knaggs’ 2021 cantata weaves a breathtaking tapestry, an exploration of love and mercy that gives profound meaning to the transitory nature of life.

Two Streams is structured around the words of Polish nun Maria Faustina Kowalska (1905–1938). From a poor family that struggled during the years of the First World War, she joined the Congregation of Sisters of Mercy where she received heavenly messages to share with the world, inspiring this sublime music by Daniel Knaggs.

  • “a tapestry of sound that is beautifully crafted… The soloists, orchestra, and choir are all superb and give musical and committed performances ”

    Robert Delcamp, American Record Guide

  • "...communicated superbly by professional choir...viscerally vivid strata of string colour from Kinetic. Knaggs embraces many historical influences, powerfully and unapologetically evident in an instantly relatable work...A classic for our time, perhaps?"

    Rebecca Tavener, Choir & Organ

  • "I hear tonal music of considerable beauty, executed to a high degree of excellence. Simpson has given the work a sympathetic hearing and executed a performance of considerable power and beauty.”

    J. F. Weber, Fanfare

  • "Knaggs’s score is a welcome addition to the choral repertory, and this recording is worthy of repeated listening. It is highly recommended."

    Matthew Hoch, The American Organist

  • "The vocal performers...are with much good choral music, one comes away with a finer sensitivity to our need for each other, for the collective."

    Lowry Yankwich, Fanfare


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