The University of houston concert chorale

The University of Houston Concert Chorale is the university’s premier large choral ensemble and has established itself as one of the world’s most outstanding collegiate choral ensembles. Under the direction of Betsy Cook Weber since 2002, the ensemble has performed for four TMEA conventions (2005,2008, 2013, 2017) and the national conventions (ACDA Miami, 2007; ACDA Minneapolis, 2017; NCCO, Baton Rouge, 2017). The ensemble has also been active internationally, placing in and/or winning the following prestigious competitions: 47th Eisteddfod, Langollen, Wales, UK,(1st place, Chamber Choir; 2009); Florilège Vocal, Tours, France (2nd place Mixed Choir; 2011); International Chamber Choir Competition, Marktoberdorf, Germany (1st place ex aequo; 2013); Grand Prix of Nations, Magdeburg, Germany (1st place Youth Choir; 2015; Musica Mundi ranking of #1 I Youth Choir and #3 in all choirs); Bela Bartok International Choral Competition (1st place; 2018), Debrecen, Hungary; European Grand Prix In Arezzo, Italy (one of five participants; 2019); Grieg International Choral Competition, (1st place, Mixed Chorus; 2022) Bergen, Norway, and Canta Rode Competition (3rd place overall; 2023) Kerkrade, Netherlands. Additionally, Chorale’s location in Houston presents many opportunities, including performances with/for Houston Symphony, early music orchestras Ars Lyrica and Mercury Houston, Latin Grammys, Star Wars in Concert, NBC’s Clash of the Choirs, Josh Groban Houston Astros, Houston Texans, The Eagles, KUHF, ABC, NBC, and Fox.